Opportunity Report

Jeli Part of PagerDuty


When you navigate to an opportunity's Report section you'll see cards detailing Opportunity Start, Opportunity End and Last Import at the top.

Opportunity report

Opportunity report

Opportunity StartBy default, this is determined by the earliest message collected from Slack. You can edit this value in the Narrative Builder under the Opportunity Start marker.
Opportunity EndBy default, this is determined by latest message collected from Slack. You can edit this value in the Narrative Builder under the Opportunity End marker.
Last ImportThis is determined by the most recent import of data into the opportunity.


Time Zone

All times on this page are displayed in the user's local time.

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary section offers a Markdown-supported text field to document a high level summary of the incident and its investigation.

You can also click Choose a template to populate the field with a prepared template. Read Use Templates for Incident Reviews in Jeli for more information.

Key Roles

Add a key role

Add a key role

Within your Jeli opportunity under the Report menu item, select Overview tab and scroll to Key Roles to specify who filled each role during the incident. Highlighting key roles allows you to see at a glance who played a significant part in either the logistics of an incident or its investigation.

Key Roles

Key Roles

These roles are also displayed elsewhere in Jeli. For example, displaying the investigator(s) assigned to an opportunity, on the opportunity listing page.

Key roles on the opportunity page

Key roles on the opportunity page

Add a Role



If you are using the Jeli Slackbot, you will have the option to assign yourself a role, e.g., Incident Commander, Communications Lead, or any other custom role you have added in the Jeli web app. Jeli will add the user who open an incident as the Incident Commander by default if you do not chose one using the /jeli open modal. You can always update the Incident Commander later in the incident's lifecycle.

Select + Role, specify a role and who to assign the role to. Opportunities may have many individuals assigned to the same role (e.g., multiple investigators).

Add role

Add role

Delete a Role

To remove a role from your opportunity, use the 3 dots menu () and select Delete. This will delete the key role assignment, but will not remove the individual as a participant in the opportunity, or impact your opportunity in any other way.

Delete a role

Delete a role

Opportunity Tags

Tags are meta data that you can apply to any opportunity. Tagging helps with categorization, correlation and filtering. Read Opportunity Tags for more information.

Related Opportunities

The Related Opportunities section details other opportunities that may share similarities in Technologies, Services, etc. based on Opportunity Tags. Read Related Opportunities for more information.

Export a Report

From an opportunity's Report section, click Export Report to export your incident analysis in a shareable format.

Clicking Export Report will take you to a preview of your report, which includes the following by default:

  • Executive Summary
  • Timeline
    • Includes the exporter's time zone
  • Narrative
    • Includes each narrative marker's summary. For privacy, it does not include notes or supporting evidence.
  • Key Takeaways
  • Action Items
  • Attached Resources
    • Note: When the report is exported as a .pdf, any attached resources will be converted to clickable links. This means that anyone with access to the .pdf report will also have access to the attached resources.



Feel free to reference Jeli Report – Opportunity Butter Side Up for an example report. For more techniques for sharing incident findings check out our Incident 101 blog.

Edit the Report

Enable or disable report sections by turning the toggles on or off. If a section does not contain any information, it will be grayed out in the selection menu.

Report toggles

Report toggles

You can also reorder report sections by selecting the section name, then dragging and dropping to a new location:

Reorder sections

Reorder sections

You can select the report timeline's time zone before you export. This will not change the time zone in the rest of the opportunity, only in the .pdf export.

Generate the Report

To generate a .pdf version of the report, from the report preview click Export Report and choose Save as PDF from the print dialogue. Note: Make sure you have Print backgrounds selected in your print dialog options.

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