Incident Workflow Actions Overview

An overview of Incident Workflow actions

Incident Workflows provide a powerful solution for automating your incident response processes, ensuring that your team can respond more quickly and efficiently to critical events. Customize your incident response by selecting from the actions listed below.



Actions marked in the Professional plan column are available on the Professional pricing plan.

Actions marked in the Business plan column are available on the Business pricing plan.

Actions marked in the Enterprise plan column are available on the following pricing plans:

  • Enterprise plan for Incident Management
  • Enterprise plan for Customer Service

Please contact our Sales Team to upgrade your account plan.

Incident Workflow Actions

CategoryAction NameDescriptionProfessional planBusiness planEnterprise plan
AWSAWS: Invoke a Lambda FunctionInvoke an AWS Lambda function with a custom payload.
Azure FunctionsAzure: Invoke an Azure FunctionInvoke an Azure function with a custom payload.
DatadogDatadog: Create a Graph SnapshotGenerate a snapshot graph from a metric query.
Datadog: Get a Monitor's DetailsGet the overall status of a monitor.
Datadog: Get the Alerting MonitorGet the ID of the Datadog monitor that triggered the incident.
Google MeetGoogle Meet: Create a MeetingCreate a new meeting that anyone in your Google Workspace can join.
JavaScriptJavaScript: Run CodeExecute JavaScript code to process data, use conditional logic, perform advanced calculations, and more.
JeliJeli: Create A Post-Incident ReviewCreate a post-incident review in Jeli.
Jira CloudJira Cloud: Create an Issue for an IncidentCreate Jira issues based on the workflow trigger condition(s) and the field options defined in the workflow configuration form.
JSONLookup Value by KeyLookup a value in a JSON dictionary.
LogicConditionExecute a series of steps when a condition is met.
DelaySet a time delay before moving to the next step.
Loop UntilExecute a series of steps repeatedly until a condition is met.
Microsoft TeamsCreate a Dedicated Chat in Microsoft TeamsAdd a Microsoft Teams dedicated chat to an incident.
Create Conference Bridge in Microsoft TeamsAdd a Microsoft Teams conference bridge to an incident.
PagerDuty Incident ManagementAdd Conference BridgeAdd a phone number and/or URL to an incident.
Add RespondersAdd users or escalation policies as responders to an incident.
Add StakeholdersSubscribe Teams or users to status updates for an incident.
Get On-Call User from a ScheduleReturn the name and ID of an on-call user from a schedule.
Post to External Status PagePost to an External Status Page and notify subscribers.
Reassign the IncidentReassign the incident to a different escalation policy or user.
Run an Automation ActionRun a PagerDuty Automation Action.
Send Status UpdatePost an update to the internal status page and notify subscribers.
Wait for Status to ChangePause the workflow until the incident meets the specified status.
Get Service DetailsReturns details about a Service.
Get Notes for an IncidentRetrieve all notes associated with an incident
List Related Change Events for an IncidentLists related Change Events for an incident.
RolesAssign a RoleAssign an Incident Role to a User.
Unassign a RoleRemove the user assigned to a role, leaving it unassigned.
ServiceNowServiceNow ITSM: Create an IncidentCreate a ServiceNow Incident.
SlackArchive Incident Dedicated ChannelArchives an incident's dedicated channel in a Slack workspace.
Add a BookmarkAdd important links to a Slack channel header.
Create a Slack Channel for an IncidentCreate a new Slack channel for an incident.
Link a Slack Channel to an IncidentLink an existing Slack channel to an incident.
Prompt to Add a Note to the IncidentSend a Slack message to a channel with a button to add a note for the incident.
Prompt to Add Responders to the IncidentSend a Slack message to a channel with a button to Add Responders to the incident.
Prompt to Escalate the IncidentSend a Slack message to a channel with a button to escalate the incident.
Prompt to Reassign the IncidentSend a Slack message to a channel with a button to reassign the incident.
Prompt to Run an Automation Action on the IncidentSend a Slack message to a channel with a button to run an Automation Action on the incident.
Prompt to Run an Incident Workflow on the IncidentSend a Slack message to a channel with a button to run an Incident Workflow on the incident.
Prompt to Send a Status Update for the IncidentSend a Slack message to a channel with a button to send a status update for the incident.
Prompt to Update Priority on the IncidentSend a Slack message to a channel with a button to update the priority on the incident.
Send a Direct MessageSend a message to a Slack user.
Send an Ephemeral MessageSend a temporary message, visible only to a specific user.
Send a Message to a ChannelSend a message to a Slack channel.
Send a Message to a Channel with an Incident ActionSend a message to a channel in Slack with an Incident Action.
Set a Channel TopicSet a Slack channel's topic.
TasksCreate a TaskCreate and assign an Incident Task to a responder on an incident.
Update Task AssigneeUpdate the user assigned to an Incident Task.
Update Task DetailsUpdate the details of an Incident Task.
Update Task NameUpdate the name of an Incident Task.
Update Task StatusUpdate the status of an Incident Task.
TextGenerate Random Positive AdjectiveGenerates a random adjective from a list of positive adjectives.
Generate Random AnimalGenerates a random animal from a list of animals.
Generate Random ColorGenerates a random color from a list of colors.
Web APISend DELETE RequestSends a DELETE request to a given URL with given headers.
Send GET RequestSends a GET request to a given URL with given headers.
Send HEAD RequestSends a HEAD request to a given URL with given headers.
Send PATCH RequestSends a PATCH request to a given URL with given headers and body.
Send POST RequestSends a POST request to a given URL with given headers and body.
Send PUT RequestSends a PUT request to a given URL with given headers and body.
Send a Webhook POSTSend a POST request with a customized body and headers.
ZoomCreate a Zoom MeetingAdd a Zoom Meeting to an incident.

IP Addresses

Incident Workflow actions that make external HTTP requests, including Web API actions (e.g., Send GET Request, Send POST Request, etc.), will originate from the list of IP addresses in our developer documentation Webhook IPs.