Datadog: Get a Monitor's Details


Description: Get the overall status of a monitor, e.g. "Alert", "Ignored", "No Data", "OK", "Skipped", "Unknown" or "Warn."


  1. If you have not done so already, please follow our instructions to Create an Incident Workflow.
  2. When you are prompted to add actions , select this action.
  3. Enter the following Inputs and then click Save. Continue following instructions to Publish the Workflow. When the action runs, you will see the Outputs listed below.


IntegrationSelect a Workflow Integration or click New Datadog Connection to establish a new one.
Monitor IDEnter the ID of the monitor. This will be the number at the end of the monitor URL, e.g.,<Monitor ID>. This input also accepts Field References .


Monitor DetailsThe details of the monitor.
Monitor NameThe name of the monitor.
Monitor StateThe overall state of the monitor. Can be "Alert", "Ignored", "No Data", "OK", "Skipped", "Unknown" or "Warn."
Monitor QueryThe query used to define the monitor. Can be used to fetch a graph snapshot of the monitor state.
ResultValue that shows if the action was successful or not. Either "Success" or "Failed."
Result SummaryBrief description of what the action did or if it failed.
ErrorBrief description that is populated if the action failed.