Workflow Integrations

Some Workflow Actions use an integration type called Workflow Integrations to connect to Incident Workflows. Workflow Integrations support authentication using API keys and/or OAuth, and are designed for incident response teams and administrators to securely and easily connect PagerDuty with external tools. This feature simplifies automation, enhances security, and streamlines Incident Workflows, enabling faster resolutions and improved efficiency.

Workflow Integrations are supported with the following tools:


Required User Permissions

Users with the following base roles can add, update and delete Workflow Integration connections:

  • Manager
  • Admin
  • Account Owner

Create a Workflow Integration

Workflow Integrations securely store connection credentials.

  1. In the PagerDuty web app, navigate to Integrations Workflow Integrations.
  2. Click Add Connection to the right of your preferred tool.
A screenshot of the PagerDuty web app showing how to add a Workflow Integration connection

Add connection

  1. Expand the section below that corresponds to your preferred technology, and enter the requested information:

    1. AWS


      Field NameDescription
      Connection NameThe name for the created connection
      Access Key IDThe associated access key ID
      Secret Access KeyThe associated secret access key
      Role (optional)Role to assume when using this connection. Can be a role ID or full ARN.
      Default RegionThe default region to use when using this connection, e.g., us-east-1
    2. Azure Functions

      Azure Functions

      Field NameDescription
      Connection NameThe name to give the new connection
      API KeyThe API Key for your Azure Function
      URLThe URL for the connection, e.g., https://<APP_NAME><FUNCTION_NAME>
    3. Datadog


      Field NameDescription
      Connection NameThe name for the created connection
      API KeyYour Datadog API key. Can be found in Datadog at Organization Settings Access API Keys
      Application KeyYour Datadog application key. Can be found in Datadog at Personal Settings Security Application Keys, or Organization Settings Access Application Keys
    4. Jeli


      Field NameDescription
      Connection NameThe name to give the new connection
      API TokenEnter your Jeli API token
      UsernameThe user who created the Jeli API token
    5. Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD)

      Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD)

      Field NameDescription
      Connection NameThe name to give the new connection

      You will be directed to Microsoft's login page. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the Workflow Integration.

    6. PagerDuty Runbook Automation

      PagerDuty Runbook Automation
      Field NameDescription
      Connection NameThe name to give the new connection
      SubdomainThe subdomain for your account
      TokenThe API Token that will provide authentication
      UsernameThe user associated with the token
    7. Slack Bot Integration

      Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD)

      Field NameDescription
      Connection NameThe name to give the new connection

      You will be directed to Slacks authentication page. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the Workflow Integration.

    8. Web API

      Web API

      Field NameDescription
      Connection NameEnter a name for the new connection
      Authentication HeadersEnter the headers to include in Web API calls made with this connection, one per line, e.g., Authorization: Bearer XXXX
      Allowed HostnamesEnter the hostnames to allow sending these credentials to, one per line. An asterisk (*) may be used for subdomains, e.g.,, or *
      Health Check URLEnter a URL to monitor the health of this connection
      Health Check MethodSelect which HTTP method to use for the health check request, HEAD or GET
  2. In the field Who can edit or select the connection, select All admins and global managers (default) or All admins, global managers team managers on specific teams. If you choose All admins, global managers team managers on specific teams, select one or more Teams from the Select teams dropdown.

A screenshot of the PagerDuty web app showing how to select Teams that should have access to the Workflow Integration

Select Teams


Permission Scope

This setting affects which users can edit the connection or select the connection when configuring actions in an Incident Workflow. This setting does not affect who can invoke an Incident Workflow; that setting is administered while creating or editing an Incident Workflow.

  1. Click Add.

Delete a Workflow Integration

  1. In the web app, navigate to Integrations Workflow Integrations.
  2. Click the Integration Name (e.g., AWS, Azure Functions, etc.) that contains of the connection you'd like to delete.
  3. To the right of the connection you'd like to delete, click Delete.
  4. In the confirmation modal, click Delete. This action cannot be undone.

Use a Workflow Integration in Incident Workflows

Creating a Workflow Integration will allow you to use some tool-specific Incident Workflow Actions. Please read Incident Workflows for more information.