
Add, authorize and remove apps

Add Apps

Users with the appropriate permissions can add an app to their PagerDuty account following the installation instructions in the app’s documentation.

Authorize OAuth 2.0 Apps

Users are presented with a prompt when authorizing an app with OAuth 2.0 functionality.

Published authorization prompt

Published authorization prompt

Security Warnings

When an app has not been reviewed by PagerDuty, the user sees a warning message. The exact message varies depending on which of these scenarios apply.

Internally Developed Apps
Unpublished apps that were developed within your organization, but not enabled by an admin.

Message: “This app was created by a developer in your PagerDuty organization but has not been reviewed or approved by PagerDuty.”

All Other Unpublished Apps
Unpublished apps which are not admin approved and were not developed by a member of your PagerDuty organization.

Message: “This app was enabled by an admin of your PagerDuty organization but has not been reviewed or approved by PagerDuty.”

Unpublished app prompt with warning message

Unpublished app prompt with warning message

Remove Apps

Removing an app from an account will depend on how the app connects to PagerDuty. Refer to the app’s documentation, and general information about removing apps is below: