Operational Maturity

The Operational Maturity report displays the calculated maturity status of an account, allowing all users to ensure their account is optimized for their goals. To view the Operational Maturity report, navigate to Analytics Operational Maturity.

Operational Maturity graphic



The Operational Maturity report is included on all PagerDuty pricing plans.


Required User Permissions

All user roles can view the Operational Maturity report.

​​Overall Maturity Score

Operational Maturity is measured using incident data from escalation policies, and the overall account score is created by taking a weighted average of escalation policies by incident volume. Escalation policies without incidents are not included in the calculation.

You can complete the listed recommendations to progress from one maturity level to the next. If an escalation policy is not connected to a service, it will not appear in the report.

Maturity LevelDefinition
PreventativeAhead of issues before they start. Superb customer experience is consistently the norm. Predictive issue remediation occurs based on machine learning insights. Consistent best practices occur across the organization. Highly automated processes eliminate toil and escalations. Continuous learning, improvement and prevention are woven throughout the organization, including to non-technical stakeholders. Teams can predict the future impact of changes.
ProactiveSeamless, coordinated issue management. Issues are detected and fixed by technical teams before customers are aware. Relevant information about issues is delivered in a timely manner to the right people, including business stakeholders. Organizations have seamless cross-role response and action. Programmatic learning and identification of optimization opportunities are prevalent. Distributed teams relate service changes with impacts and are fully accountable to production operability.
ResponsiveIssues are resolved as they occur. Teams have better visibility into customer-impacting issues and respond as quickly as possible. Machine learning is used to identify potential issues, reduce false positives, and reduce noise. Issues are automatically identified and actioned by subject matter experts, but assembling the right team is still a challenge. Distributed teams begin to take full ownership of microservices. Ad hoc knowledge sharing continues, but is not formalized.
ReactiveTeams are always in firefighting mode. Initial technology investments bring visibility and real time mobilization as your hosting methods (e.g., cloud) and applications mature to more complex digital services. Distributed team approaches the surface, but skills are in silos. No defined process for managing issues.
ManualCustomers identify issues, not internal teams. Operations processes are engineered for legacy environments, with incidents initiated manually and entirely by humans using queued workflows, such as tickets. A central team manually escalates urgent issues by adjusting ticket priorities. Little to no mechanisms to reach experts in an urgent and timely manner.


Recommendation steps are organized into six broad categories that relate back to specific areas of focus. This allows you to easily approach recommendations that align with your priorities. The steps outlined are not necessarily sequential and they are also not required, since not all steps will align with your use case. You are not required to complete all steps in order to progress through all levels of maturity. The recommendations are broken down into the following categories:

  • People Management
  • Integrations
  • Automation
  • Team Collaboration
  • Noise Reduction
  • Continuous Learning

For each recommendation, you can see what percentage of escalation policies have completed it.

Step Completion by Escalation Policy

You can click View Details to see a report that outlines the recommendation status for each escalation policy.

View Details button

View Details

The available columns are:

  • Completion: The completion status for this escalation policy for this recommendation. The value will be either Complete or Incomplete.
    • Incident Volume: The number of incidents per week for this escalation policy.
      • Next Step: If the completion status for the escalation policy is Incomplete, this column will contain details on what action should be taken to complete the recommendation for that escalation policy.

Filter and Search

You have the option to filter with the following parameters:

  • Team: You can filter by selecting the My Teams tab, All Teams tab or enter a term in the search box to find your preferred Teams. Select the checkbox next to your preferred Team(s) and click Apply.
  • Escalation Policy: You may search and/or select specific escalation policies, or Select All escalation policies and then click Apply.
    • Note: If you have filtered by specific Teams, this filter will automatically be populated with the escalation policies owned by the Team(s) you have selected.

Share Report

You can share a direct link to the Operational Maturity report as well as the Step Completion by Escalation Policy report.

To share a report, click Share Copy Link to save the URL to your clipboard and share the link with others.

A screenshot of the PagerDuty UI detailing the Share button

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