Recommendations provide a view into where your services stand in relation to the Maturity Model, along with single, push-button configuration of helpful settings to drive further maturity. Recommendations can be found in the web app by navigating to Analytics Service Recommendations.
Recommendations are available to customers on the following pricing plans: Professional, Business, Digital Operations (legacy) and Enterprise for Incident Management. Please contact our Sales Team if you would like to upgrade to a plan featuring Recommendations.
Filter, Search and View Recommendations
- You will see a list of all Service Recommendations in your account. You may optionally filter by Teams: You can filter further by selecting the My Teams tab or All Teams tab or search for your preferred teams. Select each preferred Team’s checkbox and click Apply. You may also search this list to drill down to specific data. Note: The Service Recommendations list will display a maximum amount of 20 recommendations.
- Once you have filtered and searched for the data you are looking for, click the name of the Service to view further details about its recommendations.
- On the next screen, you will see this service’s Maturity Rating, which is based on a comparison of all services across your account. Maturity ratings range from A (lowest noise) to E (highest noise). You will also see the Recommendation for this service, with an explanation of the benefit to the service, as well as a button to automatically Enable the recommended configuration. Finally, you will see a Preview of how this recommended configuration would affect your account if enabled.

Service Recommendations
Updated 6 months ago
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