Filter Event Data

Jeli Part of PagerDuty

Filtering Data from Channel

In the event view you can filter out which channels you want to see by using the Data from box. Here you can check and uncheck any data source.

Data sources

Data sources

Filter By Tags

Tags are used to categorize or identify common themes across your data. Filtering by tags can help you narrow down the displayed data to the information you have curated and annotated.

To filter by tags in your Event Data, click in the search field next to Filtered By.

There are three ways to select tags from here:

  1. Enter the specific tag you’re looking for, such as Alerts, and click the checkbox next to the tag name to filter to display only messages with that tag.
Filter by Alerts

Filter by Alerts

  1. Search tags or select the checkbox next to Tags in the dropdown that appears when clicking into the search field. This will automatically add all of the tags used in the investigation so far. Any tag you do not want to filter by can be deselected by clicking to the right of the tag.
Selected tags

Selected tags

  1. In the dropdown that appears when clicking into the search field, there is an arrow to the left of Tags, clicking this will expand to show the full selection of tags used in the investigation so far. Clicking the checkbox next to any specific tag will filter to display only messages with that tag.
Select a specific tag

Select a specific tag



When a tag is selected, only the messages tagged with that tag will be displayed. Multiple tags can be selected at a time, displaying all messages tagged any of the selected tags.

If you have not yet added any tags, the Tags option will be greyed out in the dropdown that appears when clicking into the search field.

"Tags" unavailable

"Tags" unavailable

If you used the Jeli incident response bot, the tag Responder Joins will automatically be tagged each time a new responder joined the incident channel in slack, even if no other tags have manually been added.

Filter By Participants

Participants are the individuals who have contributed to the Slack conversation imported into the investigation. Filtering by participants is particularly useful when interviewing incident responders, allowing you to view all of the messages from a specific responder. See Create an Interview Filter below for more information.

To filter by participants in your Event Data, click in the search field next to Filtered By. There are three ways to select participants from there:

  1. Enter the name of the participant in the search field, and click the checkbox next to the name to filter to display only messages sent by that participant.
Filter by participants

Filter by participants

  1. Select the checkbox next to Participants in the dropdown that appears when clicking into the search field. This will automatically add all of the participants identified in the conversation. Any participant you do not want to filter by can be deselected by clicking to the right of their name.
Select all participants

Select all participants

  1. In the dropdown that appears when clicking into the search field, there is an arrow to the left of Participants, clicking this will expand to show the full selection of participants identified in the conversation. Clicking the checkbox next to any specific name will filter to display only messages sent by that participant.
Select a specific participant

Select a specific participant

In the dropdown that appears when clicking into the search field, there is a toggle to the right of Participants labeled Include @mentions? that is turned off by default. Enabling this option includes all messages where the selected participant was @mentioned by another participant. Sliding the toggle to the right enables the feature.

If you used the Jeli Slackbot, one of the participants you can filter by will be "Jeli". This includes all of the updates and changes made during the incident using the Jeli Slackbot. Filtering by participant and selecting "Jeli" is a great shortcut to display all of the status updates sent throughout the incident.

Filter By Types

There are multiple data types available in Jeli:

  • Chat Messages: The Slack messages imported into your Jeli investigation.
  • Notes: The annotations you, or other investigators, added as you tag and add context during your investigation.
  • PagerDuty: The imported PagerDuty notifications that correspond to your Jeli investigation. This requires the PagerDuty Integration | Jeli.

To filter by data types in your Event Data, click in the search field next to Filtered By. There are three ways to select types from there:

  1. Enter the specific type in the search field, such as Notes, and click the checkbox next to the type to filter to display only the notes added to the investigation.
Filter by notes

Filter by notes

  1. Select the checkbox next to Types in the dropdown that appears when clicking into the search field. This will automatically add all of the data types available. Any type you do not want to filter by can be deselected by clicking the to the right of the type.
Selected data types

Selected data types

  1. In the dropdown that appears when clicking into the search field, there is an arrow to the left of Types, clicking this will expand to show the full selection of data types available. Clicking the checkbox next to any specific type will filter to display only the content matching that data type.

Create an Interview Filter

You may use Jeli as you prepare for your interview and/or review meeting.

  • Tag and annotate questions. As you skim through the transcript, tag any message that you believe needs further explanation or discussion during your review meeting.
    • When you want to pose a question to a specific individual, use the Participant Follow-Up tag. Add a note to messages that you have questions about.
    • When you want to flag a message for discussion with all the review meeting attendees, use the Needs Further Investigation tag. Again, add a note with your questions or discussion topics.
    • Add broader questions that don’t relate to a specific message by putting a note in the Notes section. You may find that you can organize your questions into themes or based on the relevant participants.
Add a note

Add a note

  • Create an interview filter: By creating a filter, you can create a shortcut of the questions and themes you have arrived at. You may use this filter to share with folks ahead of a review meeting or interview or for your own personal notes.
    • Create a filter: In the Filtered By box, select the names of the desired tags (e.g., Participant Follow-Up and Needs Further Investigation) and the desired participants. In the Select or Create a Filter box, enter the name of your filter (e.g., Interview XYZ) to create and save your filter.
Create a filter

Create a filter