Jira Integration | Jeli

Jeli Part of PagerDuty

With our Jira integration, you can connect Jira to your workflow for both incident response and analysis. During response, Jeli can create new incident tickets in Jira and link to them from the incident channel. For analysis, Jeli can create new action item tickets in Jira or import existing tickets into an investigation. This integration allows you to easily manage and track tickets in Jira without leaving Jeli.


Create an Internal Service Account

We recommend creating an internal service account when setting up your Jira integration. If an individual user sets up the Jira integration and then leaves your company, the Jira integration will no longer work. If you’re not sure how to request or set up a service account, reach out to your internal IT team.

Add the Jira | Jeli Integration


Required User Permissions

Jira Cloud


Available Products

This includes Jira Cloud products: Jira Software and Jira Service Management.

  1. In Jeli, navigate to Settings Integrations Jira.

  2. Select the Connect to Jira Cloud configuration tab.

  3. There are two methods that you can use to connect your Jira account:

    1. Connect with OAuth:

      1. Click Connect to Jira, which will take redirect you to Jira.

      2. In the Authorize for site dropdown, select which Jira site you are authorizing and click Accept.

    2. Connect with API Token:


      Use Service Account

      We suggest using a service account to generate this API token. When creating Jira issues in Jeli, the reporter of the Jira issue will be set to the user/account that generated the API key. See Manage API tokens for your Atlassian account in the Atlassian documentation for more information.

      1. In Jira, create an API Token and keep it in a safe place for later use.
      2. In Jeli, navigate to Settings Integrations Jira.
      3. Enter your configuration details:
        1. Jira Site Domain: The URL of your organization’s Jira instance. For example, https://bean-co.atlassian.net.
        2. Email Address: The email address you use when logging into Jira.
        3. API Key: Paste the API key generated from Jira.
      4. Click Connect account.
  4. Once configured, the integrations page will display your active configuration and give you an option to disconnect the integration.

Jira Server (Self-Hosted/Prem)


Available Products

This includes Jira Self-Hosted products: Jira Software and Jira Service Management

  1. In Jeli, navigate to Settings Integrations Jira.
  2. Select the Connect to Jira Server configuration tab.
  3. Select Connect using user credentials.
  4. Enter your configuration details:
    1. Jira Site Domain: The URL of your organization’s Jira instance. For example, https://bean-co.atlassian.net.
    2. Username: The username for the account Jeli will use to connect to Jira.
    3. Password: The password for the account Jeli will use to connect to Jira.
  5. Click Connect account.
  6. Once configured, the integration page will display your active configuration and give you an option to disconnect the integration.

Use the Jira | Jeli Integration

Create or Link Incident Tickets With Jira



The following instructions require you to have enabled the Jira Integration in your Jeli account.

Create a New Jira Issue When Opening an Incident: /jeli open

When opening an incident, click the ‘Use Integrations’ button to view the integrations for the incident being created.



The default project and issue type can be setup in our Jeli web app under settings - learn more here.

If your Jira integration is configured with a default project and issue type, we will automatically create a Jira issue on the specified project for each Jeli incident. Jeli will create use the name of the Jeli incident to set the Jira issue title.

From the Integrations screen within the open incident flow, you may choose to Disconnect Primary Issue to override the default and tell Jeli not to automatically create a Jira issue, or Modify Jira issue details to change the project, issue type, or populate additional fields.

Jeli does not currently allow for populating specific fields on the Jira issue automatically. Fields such as the issue description must be set manually by clicking Modify Jira issue details. Alternatively, you may configure Jira to automatically set a default for any field.

Using our Jira integration to automatically create an issue on incident open will automatically modify the Jeli incident name to include the Jira ticket ID.

For example, if I open an incident with the name Consul is down and have a configured project Engineering, the resulting incident name will be ENG-123 Consul is down and the incident channel will be #eng-123-consul-is-broken.

During an Incident

During an incident, issue this command to create a Jira issue or link an existing issue to an incident.

Create a New Jira Issue During an Incident: /jeli jira

Select a project, issue type and provide a summary (Jira issue title) as well as any other required fields for your selected issue type. Optionally choose to populate your additional, non-required fields. You may also set this issue as the Primary Jira Issue for this incident.

✨ Enhanced Jira Configuration for Enterprise ✨

All customers may create Jira issues from Jeli, specifying the following information:

  • Project
  • Issue Type
  • Issue Summary
  • Issue Description

Additionally, Jeli Enterprise customers may set or interact with additional fields, including custom fields on the Jira issue.

Jeli supports the following Jira field types:

  • Checkboxes
  • Date Picker
  • Date Time Picker
  • Labels
  • Number Field
  • Paragraph
  • Radio Buttons
  • Select List (multiple choice and single choice)
  • Short text
  • URL
  • User Picker (single or multiple user)

You will see these fields presented within Jeli when creating a Jira issue from Slack. Jeli also supports looking up, assigning, or creating new labels directly from our integration.

For more information on our Enterprise plan, including a full list of additional features, please see our pricing page.

Link an Existing Jira Issue During an Incident: /jeli jira

Provide a Jira issue URL and optionally set the ticket as the Primary Jira Issue.

View Attached Jira Issues: /jeli jira list

This command will directly send the user a listing of all Jira tickets associated with the Jeli incident.

View Attached Jira Issues: /jeli overview

Jeli will also provide a listing of associated tickets in the incident overview.

Automatically Add Jeli Incident Status Updates as Jira Issue Comments

From your Jeli Incident Response configuration settings in the Jeli web app, you may enable a feature to automatically add Jeli incident status updates as comments to the primary Jira issue for your incident.

Check the box for Jira comment syncing on the configuration page to turn this feature on.

Jeli will now automatically create comments on your primary Jira issue.

Automatically Sync Your Jeli Incident Stage With Jira Ticket Status

From your Jeli Incident Response configuration settings in the Jeli web app, you may enable a feature to automatically sync Jeli incident stage changes with ticket status for the primary Jira issue on your incident.

If you don't have a Primary Jira Issue configured, select the button to do so.

If you already have a default issue configured, you may now edit your configuration to add a mapping between your Jeli incident stages, and Jira issue statuses.

Once a mapping is configured, Jeli will automatically start syncing your Jira tickets for future incidents.

Incident Analysis with Jira

For more information on using our Jira Integration for Incident Analysis, please see our Collect Action Items article.

Remove the Integration

  1. In Jeli, navigate to Settings Integrations Jira.
  2. Click Disconnect Jira Site.


I am not able to select my issue type when creating a Jira issue

Currently our Jira integration for the Jeli Web App only supports default Jira configurations. Any issue type which has required fields beyond Summary and Description are not supported.

You may navigate to Jira, create your action item and then link this existing issue in Jeli.