PagerDuty Outage Notifications

In the event of a PagerDuty outage, we share updates on our company status page.

PagerDuty Status Page

If there is a disruption to PagerDuty, we will post on our company status page at to notify customers. During an outage, our status page will host the most up-to-date information about incidents and affected product areas. You can subscribe to our status page to receive email, Slack, or webhook notifications.

Subscribing to our status page will allow you to receive:

  • Notifications when we post outage incidents and updates, and/or
  • Notifications when we publish a postmortem analysis of an outage


Looking for our Status Page Products?

This article describes the PagerDuty company status page at, where we communicate about PagerDuty outages. If you are looking for more information on how to create your own status page using our Status Page products, please read our External Status Page or Internal Status Page articles.

Subscribe to the PagerDuty Status Page

  1. In your browser’s address bar, go to ​​
  2. Click Subscribe to Updates on the right.
  3. Select your preferred notification method tab: Email, Slack or Webhook.
  4. Enter the required information as prompted and then click Subscribe.
Subscribe via email

Subscribe via email

PagerDuty Status Page Service Descriptions

During a PagerDuty outage, you will see our affected services on our status page, of which you can find descriptions below.


Service Regions

PagerDuty accounts fall under two service regions: the US service region and EU service region. Most Business Services on the PagerDuty Status Page have both an US and EU version, signified by (US) and (EU) respectively. These distinctions refer to the service region of the PagerDuty account as a whole, and not to individual users. For example, it is possible for users in the EU to be on a US service region account, and vice versa.

  • Events API: A disruption affecting the Events API v2 or v1.
  • REST API: A disruption affecting the REST API v2 that is not limited in scope.
  • Web Application: A disruption affecting the frontend web UI that is not limited in scope.
  • Webhooks: A disruption affecting PagerDuty's ability to send outbound webhooks.
  • Mobile Application: A disruption affecting the mobile application that is not limited in scope.
  • Integrations: A disruption affecting a specific integration. This includes:
  • Incident Timeline and Alert Logs: A disruption affecting the timeline and logs for incidents and alerts.
  • Services: A disruption affecting our Service Directory and/or Service Profile.
  • Schedules and Escalation Policies: A disruption affecting schedules and/or escalation policies.
  • Users and Teams: A disruption affecting users and/or Teams.
  • Change Events: A disruption affecting change events.
  • Business Services: A disruption affecting Business Services.
  • Log In and SSO: A disruption affecting users' ability to log in, or use or configure Single Sign-On.
  • Account Settings: A disruption affecting the ability to update account settings.
  • Live Call Routing: A disruption affecting Live Call Routing.
  • Status Page:
  • Notification Delivery:
    • Notification Delivery: A disruption affecting general notification delivery, not limited to a specific delivery channel.
    • SMS: A disruption affecting SMS notification delivery.
    • Voice: A disruption affecting Voice notification delivery.
    • Email: A disruption affecting Email notification delivery.
    • Push: A disruption affecting Push notification delivery.
    • Responder Requests: A disruption affecting general notification delivery of responder requests.
  • Developer Site: A disruption affecting our Developer Documentation. A disruption here does not affect the PagerDuty product.
  • Catalytic Application: A disruption affecting the Catalytic application. A disruption here does not affect the PagerDuty product.
  • Runbook Application: A disruption affecting the the Runbook application. A disruption here does not affect the PagerDuty product.
  • Analytics: A disruption affecting any PagerDuty analytics processes, including: Reports, Intelligent Dashboards, Insights, and Audit Trail Reporting.
  • Incident Workflows: A disruption affecting Incident Workflows.