Manage Users
Add and manage users
View, add, edit or delete users from your PagerDuty account.
View Users
Required User Permissions
All users, except Limited Stakeholders, can view users.
You can view a list of users in your account by navigating to People Users.
User License Counts
At the top of the page you will be able to view how many of your licenses for Full Users or Stakeholder Users have been used.
You may use the left search bar to search for users by name or email.
Filter by Team
From the Team dropdown you can filter users by:
- All Teams
- My Teams
- Or you can select a specific Team
Filter by Tags
From the Tags dropdown, you can search and select specific tags to filter users.
Filter by Base Role
From the Base Roles dropdown you can search and select base roles to filter users.
Add Users
Required User Permissions
Admin, Global Admin, and Account Owner base roles can add users.
Note: You can find users with a specific role by going to People Users in the web app and making a selection from the Base Roles dropdown.
Free Plan User Limit
Free plans are limited to five users.
To add a user:
- Go to People Users.
- Click Add Users in the top right corner of the page.
- Enter the user's Name (first and last) and Email Address.
- If applicable, select the type of License you would like the user to have.
- Select the desired Role for the user.
- Optional: If your account has access to the Teams feature, select a Team from the dropdown.
- Click Add. If you are adding more than one user, repeat steps 3-7.
When you click Add, an email will be sent to each user's email address. They will be prompted to accept the invitation to PagerDuty, choose a password, and set up their user profile.
Import Users from a CSV
Please see our Import Users from a CSV article to learn more.
Common Issues When Adding Users
There are three common reasons why you may not be able to add a user to your account:
- You do not have permission to add a user based on your user role. See above Required User Permissions callout.
- There are User License Limits set on your account.
- To add a new user, they must have a unique email, and you may be trying to add a user with an email that already exists in the account. To check if this user and their associated email already exist in your account, navigate to People Users and search for their name or email in the left-hand search bar.
User License Limits
Accounts on an annual plan will have a Full User limit and a Stakeholder limit, based on the amount of licenses that have been purchased. You can view how many licenses have been purchased for your account at People Users at the top of the page.
For example, if you have purchased 20 Full Users for your account, and there are already 20 Full Users on your account, then neither the Account Owner nor an Admin would be able to add more users until the User License Limit is increased.
If you are an Account Owner or Admin and you receive the following errors trying to add new users, you will need to add more user licenses:

Error Message: You've used all your available licenses. We recommend upgrading to add more team members.

Error Message: Max allocated, purchase licenses
Accounts with month-to-month pricing plans can limit the maximum number of users, which will prevent you from inviting new users if the limit has been reached. For more information on this type of user limit, see our Account Settings article.
Add User Licenses
Required User Permissions
- For accounts that were created from 2023 onwards, both the Account Owner and Global Admins can add user licenses.
- If your account was created prior to 2023, only Account Owners will be able to add user licenses by default. You can, however, request that Global Admins also have access to add user licenses. Please have your Account Owner contact our Support team if you would like this functionality.
To add user licenses:
- Go to User Icon Subscriptions.
- In the Add More Users section, click the button to add more users. Click Add More Users to confirm.
- In the modal that appears, select from the following in response to the question, Do you require a purchase order for this order?:
- Yes: Enter your PO Number into the field. If you do not have one available, you may click Not Available and provide one to us at a later date.
- No
- Click Complete Purchase.
Add More Users Not Available
If you cannot see the Add More Users section on your Subscriptions page, your account may have a user limit built into its pricing plan. In this case, please refer to our section on User Charges to add more users.
Resend a User Invitation
Required User Permissions
Admin, Global Admin, and Account Owner base roles can resend user invitations.
You can resend an invitation to a user if they cannot locate the first email that was sent.
- Go to People Users.
- Click Resend Invite to the right of the user’s information.
A new invitation email will be sent directly to the email associated with their PagerDuty account. Once a user has accepted an invitation and logged in to their account, the Resend Invite link will no longer appear next to the user.
Edit Users
Edit User Roles
You will edit user roles in different locations based on what user role tier your account has:
- Basic User Roles: To determine if your account uses basic user roles, navigate to User Icon My Profile. If you do not see a tab that says Permissions & Teams then your account has basic user roles.
- Advanced Permissions: To determine if your account uses Advanced Permissions, navigate to User Icon My Profile. If you do see a tab that says Permissions & Teams then your account has basic Advanced Permissions.
Edit Basic User Roles
Required User Permissions
Admins, Global Admins and Account Owners can edit basic user roles.
- Navigate to People Users.
- Click Edit to the right of the user’s name.
- Select your preferred Role from the dropdown.
- Click Save.
Flexible Licensing
If your account has the Flexible Licensing feature, please see Billing, Invoices and Payments for more information about editing a user's role on the Users page.
Edit Advanced Permissions User Roles
Base, Team, and object roles can be managed by different users on the account based on their level of permissions.
Manager (Team role) | Manager (base role) | Global Admin (base role) | Account Owner (base role) | |
Can edit Team roles of users on their Team | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Can edit Team roles for any user on any Team | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
Can edit base roles for any user | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Can edit object roles for any user | ✓ | ✓ |
Edit Base Roles
Required User Permissions
Users with an Account Owner or Global Admin base role can edit other users’ base roles.
- Navigate to People Users.
- Click Edit in the Actions column to the right of the user’s name.
- Select the desired Base Role from the dropdown.
- Click Save.
Edit Team Roles
Required User Permissions
- Users with an Account Owner, Global Admin, or Manager base role can edit other users’ Team roles.
- Users with a Manager Team role can also edit the Team roles of users, but only for users on their Team.
Account Owner, Global Admin or Manager base roles:
- Navigate to People Users select the user’s name the Permissions & Teams tab.
- Select the desired Team Role from the drop-down menu.
Manager Team roles:
Users with a Manager Team role are only able to edit a user’s Team role from their Team’s page.
- Navigate to People Teams, then select your Team.
- On the Users tab, select the appropriate role under the Team Role column for that user.
- You should see a confirmation dialog with the message that their role was updated successfully.
If a user is not yet part of a Team, please visit our section on editing Teams.
Edit Object Roles
Required User Permissions
Users with an Account Owner or Global Admin base role can edit other users’ object roles. Note that object roles can only be given to users with a flexible base role (i.e. Restricted Access, Observer, Responder, Manager).
- Navigate to People Users select the user’s name select the Permissions & Teams tab and click Edit next to their Base Role.
- Under Additional Permissions you will be able to assign Manager, Responder or Observer access to specific objects. Select a Service, Escalation Policy, and/or Schedule from the dropdown in the appropriate access level to assign an object role.
- Click Save.
Edit User Profiles
Please read our article on User Profiles for more information on how to edit a user’s profile information.
Delete Users
Required User Permissions
Admin, Global Admin, and Account Owner base roles can delete users.
The offboarding feature allows administrators to easily deprovision users from their associated escalation policies, schedules and assigned incidents. PagerDuty accounts with Advanced Permissions have access to the offboarding feature, which come standard with the following pricing plans: Business, Digital Operations (legacy) and Enterprise for Incident Management. Please read our Offboarding article for more information.
To delete a user:
- Go to People Users.
- Locate the user that you would like to delete, click their Name and then click Delete User.
- If your account has basic permissions you will need to confirm that you would like to delete the user. If your account has advanced permissions, you will enter the Offboarding flow to confirm deletion.
Common Issues When Deleting Users
There are three common reasons why you may not be able to delete a user on your account:
- You do not have permission to delete a user based on your user role. See above Required User Permissions callout.
- The user is still on-call, now and/or in the future, on a schedule and/or escalation policy. To check which schedules and/or escalation policies this user is still on-call for, navigate to People Users click their name select the On-Call Shifts tab. You will see their schedule, and their escalation policies will be listed on the left.
- There is at least one open incident assigned to that user.
Deleting Yourself or the Account Owner
You may not delete your own user account or the Account Owner. If you wish to delete yourself, you will need the Account Owner or an Admin to do so for you. If you wish to delete the Account Owner, the current Account Owner must first transfer account ownership to a different user in the account, and then you can return and delete the previous owner.
Updated 16 days ago