PagerDuty Advance

PagerDuty Advance is a set of assistive automation capabilities for the PagerDuty Operations Cloud. From drafting postmortems to authoring automation jobs, PagerDuty Advance supports humans by reducing the burden of repetitive and time-consuming tasks. It’s the next step in unlocking the full potential of AI and automation across the digital enterprise.

PagerDuty Advance includes:

PagerDuty Advance AI Disclosure

To learn more about how we designed, built, and assessed PagerDuty Advance with mission-critical work in mind, you can access the PagerDuty Advance AI Disclosure by following these instructions:

  1. Visit PagerDuty’s Assurance Profile.
  2. In the Documents section of the page, click the “Public” tab to see the PagerDuty Advance AI Disclosure document.
  3. Click Download while hovering over the document tile.


PagerDuty Guidelines for the Safe and Secure Use of Generative AI

Generative AI is a predictive technology, and sometimes the information it creates can be misleading or false. It is the responsibility of each user to fact-check the output of generative AI before you use it. Please see PagerDuty Guidelines for the Safe and Secure Use of Generative AI for more information.


Changes to PagerDuty Advance

We continuously strive to improve our genAI capabilities. If there are material changes to our PagerDuty Advance genAI features, we’ll document those in our PagerDuty Advance AI Disclosure.

Also, while PagerDuty Advance is General Access, certain features of PagerDuty Advance are currently in Early Access, as noted in our AI disclosure, and may be subject to more change.

Manage PagerDuty Advance Account Settings

If you would like granular control over which PagerDuty Advance features are available within your account, you can manage access in your account settings.


Required User Permissions

Account Owners and Global Admins can manage PagerDuty Advance account settings.

  1. Navigate to User Icon Account Settings select the PagerDuty Advance tab.
  2. You may toggle the following generative AI features on or off:
    1. PagerDuty Advance for Status Updates: Use the latest incident and Slack data to automatically generate internal status updates.
    2. PagerDuty Advance for Postmortems: Use the latest incident and Slack data to automatically generate postmortem reports.
    3. PagerDuty Advance for Automation Actions: Use Automation Actions Log data to automatically generate log digest summaries.
    4. PagerDuty Advance for Slack: Use the PagerDuty Advance Assistant in Slack channels to get help during the incident resolution process. You need to connect both PagerDuty Apps for Slack to enable all capabilities.
  3. Once toggled to the preferred on or off position, the feature will automatically enable or disable within the account.

Slack Connection Indicators

In the Get the most of your Generative AI capabilities with Slack section, you will see the two apps required to use the PagerDuty Advance integration:

  • PagerDuty App for Slack
  • PagerDuty Advance App for Slack

If you completed the necessary configuration steps in our Slack and PagerDuty Advance guides, a Connected indicator will appear to the right of these apps. If you did not complete these steps, a Not Connected indicator will appear to the right, and you should follow the above guides to configure both apps.

PagerDuty Advance + Slack Integration Benefits

  • PagerDuty Advance Assistant: Reduce mean time to resolution (MTTR) for critical, unplanned work with the PagerDuty Advance Assistant. During an incident, users can interact with the PagerDuty Advance Assistant in Slack to gain context, learn of deployed changes that may have caused the issue, and list on-call users that should be added to the incident. This feature keeps Incident Commanders and Stakeholders easily informed and coordinated toward an efficient resolution.
  • PagerDuty Advance for Postmortems (Early Access): Seamlessly learn forward from incidents with AI-generated postmortems. PagerDuty Advance combines critical information from Slack and PagerDuty log entries to reconstruct key incident events. This serves as an initial postmortem draft, including content such as an Overview, Impact, Root Cause, Timeline, etc., that you can edit further.
  • PagerDuty Advance for Status Updates: Our generative AI leverages Slack and PagerDuty log entries to create status update drafts with one click. When unplanned, interrupting work strikes, communication and coordination are essential. With push-button means of crafting a draft, responders can regain the time and resources needed to reduce downtime and team stress levels. With PagerDuty Advance for Status Updates, responders can easily keep stakeholders informed throughout an incident, while remaining focused on resolution.


In PagerDuty:

In Slack:

  • You need to be a workspace admin or owner.

How it Works

Integration Walkthrough

Initial Configuration

  1. If you have not already done so, you must first install the Slack integration.
  2. Next, navigate to Integrations Extensions. Select the PagerDuty Advance tile at the top.
  1. On the Welcome page, click Authorize Integration.
  2. To support the capabilities listed below, the bot needs to be able to join the channel, send messages and URLs within the channel, and view the channel history:
  1. On the Extensions PagerDuty Advance screen, click Connect a new Workspace. In the top right, select the same Workspace that was configured with your Slack integration.
  2. Review the permission request and then click Allow. Initial configuration is now complete.

Disconnect Workspace


Slack Channel Bot Removal

When you disconnect from a Workspace, it will remove the PagerDuty Advance bot from its Slack channels.

To disconnect a previously-configured Workspace:

  1. Navigate to Integrations Extensions and select the PagerDuty Advance tile.
  2. Click Disconnect to the right of your Workspace’s name. A confirmation modal will appear; click Disconnect again to confirm.

Edit the Bot User Name

If you would like to edit the bot's user name after you have configured the integration, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to the Slack App Directory using one of the following methods:
    1. Via URL:
      1. Go to https://[your-pagerduty-subdomain] and click Manage in the upper right.
      2. Select PagerDuty Advance and then click Open in App Directory.
      3. Select the Configuration tab and continue to step 2.
    2. Via Slack:
      1. Select PagerDuty Advance from the Apps section in the left menu.
      2. Click Configuration. You will be redirected to the Slack App Directory. Continue to step 2.
  2. Scroll to the Bot User section and click Edit.
  3. Enter a new bot name and click Save Changes.

Add a GitHub Personal Access Token

You may add your GitHub Personal Access Token to the integration so that PagerDuty can use it for Contributing Factor analysis.

  1. Navigate to Integrations Extensions PagerDuty Advance.
  2. Click GitHub in the top right.
  3. In the modal that appears, toggle Allow PagerDuty to access GitHub repositories? to the on position.
  4. Paste your token in the GitHub Personal Access Token field.
  5. Click Save.

PagerDuty Advance User Guide

Ask Assistant Questions



PagerDuty Advance Assistant is available in US and EU service regions.

  1. First, you must create a Slack channel from a PagerDuty Incident.
  2. Once created, you can interact with the PagerDuty Advance Assistant in the Slack channel by mentioning @PagerDuty Advance and asking questions such as:
  • “What happened?”: Understand the context of the incident.
  • “What’s changed?”: Understand if any code changes were deployed recently that may be the root cause of the incident.
  • “Who is on call?”: Understand whom to add to fix the issue.

To meet these requirements, the bot needs the ability to join the channel and send messages and urls within the channel.

Generate a Postmortem



  • PagerDuty Advance for Postmortems is currently in Early Access, with features and documentation subject to change.
  • This feature is only available in the US service region.


Required User Permissions

  1. Once you resolve an incident in the PagerDuty web app, click Generate Postmortem. In your connected Slack channel, you will see a message from the PagerDuty Advance bot notifying you that it is analyzing your channel history.
  2. A postmortem draft will automatically generate in the PagerDuty web app.
  3. If you would like to edit the draft, click Edit Report in the top right and make your preferred changes.
  4. Click Save in the upper right.

Generate a Status Update



PagerDuty Advance for Status Updates is available in US and EU service regions.


Required User Permissions

  • All users, with the exception of Limited and Full Stakeholders, can generate status updates for incidents assigned to them.
  • Only Responders, Managers, Global Admins and Account Owners can generate status updates for incidents that are not assigned to them.


Slack Channel Source

Status updates will generate from the following Slack sources:

  1. The incident-associated channel, when present.
  2. The service-associated channel, if there is no incident-associated channel and there is only one service-associated channel.
  3. If there is more than one service-associated channel, then Slack data will not be used.
  1. In the PagerDuty web app, click your preferred incident's Title, navigate to the Status Updates tab and then click New Update.
  2. To the right of the Message field, click Generate. A status update will automatically generate. You may make edits to the draft according to your preferences.
  3. Click Send Update.

PagerDuty Advance for Automation Digest

Please see our Automation Actions article for more information on generating an automation digest.

PagerDuty Advance Assistant for Microsoft Teams (Early Access)


Early Access

The PagerDuty Advance Assistant for Microsoft Teams is currently in Early Access. If you are interested in trialing the feature, please reach out to your account team for more information.

The PagerDuty Advance Assistant for Microsoft Teams has feature parity with Slack, with the following exceptions during this Early Access phase:

  • Chat history’s inclusion in incident summaries
  • Advance command’s addition to the PagerDuty app’s list of suggested commands

Initial Configuration


Required User Permissions

Account Owners and Global Admins can authorize the connection of PagerDuty to Microsoft Teams, and manage PagerDuty Advance account settings.

  1. If you have not already done so, you must first install the Microsoft Teams integration.
  2. Navigate to User Icon Account Settings select the PagerDuty Advance tab.
  3. Toggle the PagerDuty Advance Assistant for Chat feature on.

Ask PagerDuty Advance Assistant for Microsoft Teams Questions

Once enabled, users can interact with the PagerDuty Advance Assistant by entering @PagerDuty advance, followed by a prompt. For example:

  • @PagerDuty advance what happened?
  • @PagerDuty advance what was the customer impact?


How do actions and credits work?

Please read our Product-Specific Terms for information on actions and credits.

How many credits does each action cost?

The current number of credits that Action Types will consume is as follows:

Action TypeDescriptionRequired ProductCredit Value per ActionAverage Time Saved per Action*
Automation DigestOne request to summarize the most important results from one Automation Action job using PagerDuty Advance for Automation DigestAutomation Actions15 min
Incident ActionOne request to implement an incident action using PagerDuty Advance Assistant (e.g., add responder, resolve incident)Incident Management15 min
Incident InsightOne request to generate an incident insight using PagerDuty Advance Assistant (e.g., what changed, what is the impact)Incident Management210 min
Incident SummarizationOne request to summarize an incident using PagerDuty Advance Assistant (e.g., catch me up, bring me up to speed)Incident Management210 min
Status UpdateOne request to generate a status update that includes incident status and notes using PagerDuty Advance for Status UpdatesIncident Management315 min

*Based on testing with early access customers.

The number of credits consumed per Action may change at PagerDuty’s sole discretion.

How do I view the credits I have left?

Account Owners can review the remaining credits for their subdomain by clicking on the Your Subscription tab in the account settings.

Does PagerDuty Advance train models using my data?

PagerDuty does not use your data to train models used for PagerDuty Advance.

How do I get more compliance, legal, privacy or security information about PagerDuty Advance?

You can read the PagerDuty Advance AI Disclosure to learn more about how we designed, built, and assessed PagerDuty Advance with mission-critical work in mind.

Are there any requirements for PagerDuty Advance actions to work?

For minimum requirements, read the PagerDuty Advance AI Disclosure for details. Additionally, certain Action Types will work only if certain products are provisioned in the Customer’s account. For example, the following questions for the Incident Insight Action Type require the following products to work:

QuestionRequired Product
What happened?Incident Management
Who do I go to for help (who is on call)?Incident Management
Are there any related services affected?Incident Management
Add @JaneDoe as a responderIncident Management
What changed?AIOps
What is the probable cause?AIOps
What is the customer impact?CSOps

I received an error when I tried to ask the PagerDuty Advance Assistant a question. How do I fix this?

If the PagerDuty Advance Assistant does not respond when you ask it a question, you will receive the following error prompting you to re-authorize the app:

To re-authorize the app:

  1. A PagerDuty Admin or Account Owner will need to navigate to Integrations Extensions PagerDuty Advance tile.
  2. Click Connect a new workspace.
  3. Ensure that you've selected the correct Workspace in the upper right dropdown. Click Allow.
  4. The app has now been re-authorized.