Statuspage Integration | Jeli

Jeli Part of PagerDuty

With our Statuspage integration, Jeli can create new Statuspage updates directly from our incident response bot.

Add the Statuspage | Jeli Integration


Required User Permissions

  1. In Statuspage, create an API Key.
  2. In Jeli, navigate to Settings Integrations Statuspage.
  3. Enter your configuration details:
    1. Page ID: The unique ID for the Statuspage you would like to update with Jeli.
    2. API Key: The API key generated from Statuspage.
  4. Click Connect Page.

Use the Statuspage | Jeli Integration

Create a Statuspage Incident: /jeli statuspage



To use this command, first configure the Statuspage integration in your Jeli account.

To create a Statuspage incident, Jeli will ask you to populate certain required fields. These include:

  • Name
  • Incident Status
  • Impact
  • Message
  • Deliver Notifications (select yes or no from the dropdown)

When first running the /jeli statuspage command, Jeli will automatically populate these fields with information from your incident.

Here is a description of these fields, as detailed in the Statuspage Documentation:

Field NameDescription
NameIncidents are given a name that is representative of the issue as-a-whole that's being talked about. Examples are things like "DB connectivity issues", "API requests timing out", and "DNS issues".
Incident StatusIncidents have one of four distinct statuses. When creating or updating an incident you will specify which of the states the incident is currently in.

- Investigating: You are seeing the symptoms of an issue but are unaware what the root cause.
- Identified: You have found the root cause of the incident and are working on a fix.
- Monitoring: You believe you have successfully fixed the issue and are waiting for the symptoms to subside.
- Resolved: The root cause of the issue has been eliminated and your systems are back to 100% performance.
Incident Impact- None
- Minor
- Major
- Critical
- Maintenance
MessageWhen creating or updating an incident, you will also give a brief message explaining the current situation.
Deliver NotificationsYou can select whether or not to send notifications to your subscribers. You must indicate that one or more components is affected by the incident in order to have the option to send notifications.

Specify Impacted Components (Optional)

You may also specify which components on your Statuspage you would like to mark as affected by this incident. For each component, you can set the component status:

  • Operational
  • Under maintenance
  • Degraded performance
  • Partial outage
  • Major outage

On Incident Creation

Upon creating your Statuspage incident, Jeli will update everyone in the incident channel.

Jeli will also include this information in the /jeli overview message and any incident updates being sent to broadcast channels.

Check out your Statuspage to see that your incident has been created!

Update a Statuspage Incident: /jeli statuspage

After you have created your Statuspage incident with Jeli, subsequent updates to that incident can be made by issuing /jeli statuspage again.

You can not currently manage Statuspage incidents in Jeli that have been created outside of Jeli.

Disconnect Page

Once configured, the integration page in Jeli will display your active configuration and give you an option to disconnect the integration.

  1. In Jeli, navigate to Settings Integrations Statuspage.
  2. Click Disconnect Page.