ServiceNow CSM User Guide

Use PagerDuty incident and status dashboard consoles within ServiceNow CSM

Once you have completed the initial configuration, you can manage PagerDuty incidents within ServiceNow CSM.

Sign In to the PagerDuty Console

  1. While signed in to the ServiceNow CSM Agent Workspace, in the bottom-right pane select your PagerDuty account's service region (i.e., US Login or EU Login) and click Login to PagerDuty.
  2. In the modal that appears, enter the email address associated with your PagerDuty account and follow the login prompts. Read Log In to PagerDuty for more information about signing in to your PagerDuty account.

Incident Console

The incident console is where you can create new PagerDuty incidents from ServiceNow records, link ServiceNow records to existing PagerDuty incidents, and take action on PagerDuty incidents. To view the incident console in ServiceNow CSM, select the Incidents tab on the PagerDuty console.

Create a PagerDuty Incident from a ServiceNow Record

  1. In ServiceNow CSM, select the Incidents tab and click .
Create a PagerDuty incident

Create a PagerDuty incident

  1. In the modal that appears, enter the following information:
    • Incident title: Enter an incident title. This defaults to the ServiceNow CSM case's short description.
    • PagerDuty Service: Select the PagerDuty service where you would like the incident to trigger.
    • PagerDuty Priority (optional): If desired, select a priority for the incident.
    • Incident description (optional): Enter a description for the incident, which will show up in the PagerDuty incident's Custom Details. By default, the original ServiceNow ticket URL is pre-populated.
  2. Click Create to create the incident in PagerDuty.

Link a ServiceNow Record with an Existing PagerDuty Incident

  1. In ServiceNow CSM, select the Incidents tab and click :fa-link.
Link a PagerDuty incident

Link a PagerDuty incident

  1. In the modal that appears, you may select from the following in the dropdown:
    • All incidents: Search by incident name or number.
    • Direct Link (URL): Enter the PagerDuty incident's URL (e.g.,
  2. Click Link Incident.

Incident Actions

After you have linked a ServiceNow record to a PagerDuty incident, you may select the following actions in the incident console by clicking to the right of the incident title.

Incident actions

Incident actions

* Features marked with an asterisk are available to users on the following pricing plans: Business, Digital Operations (legacy) and Enterprise for Incident Management. Please contact our Sales Team if you would like to upgrade to a plan with these features.

AcknowledgeSelect Acknowledge. In the confirmation modal, click Acknowledge.
ResolveSelect Resolve. In the modal, enter an optional resolution note, and optionally check the box to post the note as a status update. Then click Resolve Incident.
Edit Incident DetailsEdit the PagerDuty incident's title or incident priority and click Save.
Add Responders*Select responders and/or escalation policies:

- Responders to notify: Search and select user(s) to add as responder(s), if applicable.
- Escalation policies to apply: Search and select escalation policy(ies) to add as responder(s), if applicable.
- Message (optional): Enter an optional message.

Click Add Responders.
Add Subscribers*Select users and/or Teams to add as subscribers:

- Select users to add as subscribers: Search and select user(s) to add as subscriber(s), if applicable.
- Select teams to add as subscribers: Search and select Team(s) to add as subscriber(s), if applicable.

Click Add Subscribers.
Send a Status Update*Select a status update template:

- Enter a message that will be sent, added to the status dashboard, and added to the email template.
- View the email preview.

Click Send Update.
Run an Incident Workflow*Select an Incident Workflow from the dropdown and click Run.
EscalateSelect a user to notify from the Escalation Policy and then click Escalate.
Add NoteEnter a note in the field and then click Add Note.
ReassignSelect the radio button for the following based on your preference:

- Users: Search and select the user(s) you would like to reassign the incident to.
- Escalation Policy: Search and select the escalation policy you would like to reassign the incident to.

Click Reassign.
Unlink incidentSelect Unlink. In the confirmation modal, click Unlink.

Status Dashboard Console


Pricing Plans

The Status Dashboard feature is available on the following pricing plans: Customer Service Business and Customer Service Digital Operations (legacy) and Enterprise for Customer Service. Please contact our Sales Team if you would like to upgrade to a plan including the Status Dashboard feature.

Select the Status Dashboard tab on the PagerDuty console to view the PagerDuty Status Dashboard, manage subscriptions to incidents, and link incidents to ServiceNow records. If there are any incidents impacting a business service, you will see a red banner detailing how many business services are disrupted.

Disrupted business service

Disrupted business service

There are a number of actions you can take by selecting a business service to expand its incidents, and then clicking to the right of your desired incident.

Subscribe to the PagerDuty incidentSelect Subscribe to this incident. You will see Subscribed, indicating that you are subscribed to receive status updates for this incident.
Unsubscribe from the PagerDuty incidentSelect Unsubscribe from this incident.
Link a PagerDuty incident to a ServiceNow recordSelect Link this incident to a record. You will see Linked, indicating that the PagerDuty incident and ServiceNow record are linked. You may link an incident to more than one ServiceNow record.
Unlink a PagerDuty incident from a ServiceNow recordSelect Unlink this incident from this record.

Switch Status Dashboard

If your account has configured more than one status dashboard, you can easily switch between them.

  1. With the Status Dashboard tab selected, click Switch Status Dashboard.
Switch status dashboard

Switch status dashboard

  1. In the modal that appears, select a status dashboard from the dropdown.
  2. Click Apply.