Configure the Jeli Slackbot

Jeli Part of PagerDuty

Configure Your Jeli Slackbot Settings

Configure your Jeli Slackbot settings in the Jeli app at

  1. Select Settings in the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. You will then be taken to the Settings menu, click on Incident Response. Here is where you’ll be able to configure your Jeli Slackbot Settings (pictured below).
Jeli Slackbot settings

Jeli Slackbot settings

Contextual Help: /jeli help

Run the command /jeli help in any connected Slack channel to see a contextual list of Jeli Slackbot commands. It is an ephemeral message, so only you will see it. Since the help command is contextual, it will suggest different commands depending on whether you’re in an incident channel (in the middle of incident response) or trying to import data from other Slack channels. You can expand the message to see a list of all commands.

/jeli help command

/jeli help command

If you Forget Everything Else: /jeli

We get it, learning a bunch of commands is a lot, if you forget everything, you can enter /jeli and we’ll prompt you with our most common commands.

/jeli command

/jeli command