ServiceNow Security Incidents Integration Guide

Set up and configure the ServiceNow Security Incidents integration


This app is not available in the ServiceNow store as we currently do not have up-to-date support for Security Incidents. Please reach out to our Support team if you are interested in using an update set for ServiceNow Security Incidents.

PagerDuty can also integrate with ServiceNow’s Security Incident Response product. When a new Security Incident is created in ServiceNow, you can engage the right individuals or groups via PagerDuty to ensure incidents are actioned in real-time.

Prior to Installation

Before beginning the installation of the PagerDuty Security Incident application the option for Incident Response will need to be configured in your instance of ServiceNow. Please reference ServiceNow's documentation for details on this process.

Installation from the ServiceNow Store

  1. Install the update set provided by our Support team (see note above).
  2. Log in to your ServiceNow Enterprise account as an admin.
  3. Open the System Applications Applications module and click the Downloads tab to view the PagerDuty Security Incident application.
  4. Click Install on the PagerDuty application.