Microsoft Azure DevOps (VSTS) Integration Guide | PagerDuty


End of Life

The Microsoft Azure DevOps (VSTS) integration reached its end of life in October 2023. The configuration page will be removed on September 4, 2024, and all existing uses of the Microsoft Azure DevOps integration will be deleted from customer accounts starting on October 11, 2024.

Microsoft Azure DevOps (VSTS) + PagerDuty Benefits

  • Manually or automatically create VSTS work items from a PagerDuty incident.
  • Notify on-call responders for critical VSTS work items.
  • Dashboard widgets display PagerDuty incident information and on-call schedules.


To Configure the Integration

In PagerDuty:

  • Admins, Global Admins and Account Owners can configure the integration.


  • Users must have sufficient permissions to install extensions, create personal access tokens (PATs), and edit organization settings (Extensions).

To Use the Integration

In PagerDuty:

  • Responders, Managers, Admins, Global Admins and Account Owners can create work items from PagerDuty incidents.


  • Users must have sufficient permissions to manage work items.

How it Works

  • Create VSTS work items within PagerDuty via webhooks.
  • Create PagerDuty incidents in VSTS using a PagerDuty REST API key.
  • View PagerDuty incidents within VSTS without logging in to PagerDuty.


This integration is currently in Early Access for customers on all current pricing plans. Please reach out to Support to enable this extension on your account.

Integration Walkthrough

In Microsoft VSTS

  1. Navigate to PagerDuty in the Visual Studio Marketplace and click Get it free.
PagerDuty in the Visual Studio Marketplace

PagerDuty in the Visual Studio Marketplace

  1. With your account selected, click Install.
Install PagerDuty extension

Install PagerDuty extension

  1. Click Proceed to organization.
Proceed to organization

Proceed to organization

  1. Next, you will generate a personal access token (PAT) — go to User settings Personal access tokens.
Personal access tokens

Personal access tokens

  1. Click New Token and create a token with the following configuration:
    • Name: Enter a name for your personal access token, for example, “PagerDuty Extension”.
    • Expiration: Select Custom defined and enter a date one year in the future.
    • Scopes: Select Custom defined and click Show all scopes.
      • Extension Data: Read & write
      • Extensions: Read & manage
      • Project and Team: Read & write
      • Security: Manage
      • Work Items: Read, write, & manage
  2. Click Create.
  3. In the success pane, copy your PAT to the clipboard; you will use it in the next section.
    • Note: Please store your PAT in a safe place. For security’s sake, Microsoft does not store it, and you will not be able to see it again after closing the success message.
Personal access token

Personal access token

In PagerDuty

  1. In the web app, go to Integrations Extensions.
  2. With the tab Service Extensions selected, click New Extension.
Click "New Extension"

Click "New Extension"

  1. From the dropdown, select Azure DevOps (Formerly Microsoft VSTS), and in the modal window click Open.
Add extension

Add extension

  1. Enter your personal authorization token (PAT) and click Save token.
Enter personal access token

Enter personal access token

  1. Enter the appropriate information for the following fields:
  • Select PagerDuty Services
  • Select a VSTS Account
  • Select a Work Item
  • Sync Work Items
Configure integration

Configure integration

  1. Click Add to VSTS.

In Microsoft VSTS

  1. To complete the integration, go to Organization settings PagerDuty Configuration.
  2. In the field Default email for incident creation, enter an email address associated with a valid PagerDuty user. In the field API Key, enter a PagerDuty REST API key.
PagerDuty user email and API key

PagerDuty user email and API key

  1. Click Save.

VSTS User Guide

Create VSTS Tasks in PagerDuty

If you selected Automatically in step 12 above, all PagerDuty incidents on the selected service(s) will open work items in the associated VSTS project. If you selected Manually, you can turn a PagerDuty incident into a VSTS work item in the PagerDuty web app.

  1. In PagerDuty, navigate to an incident that triggered on a service with the VSTS extension configured. Select More Create Work Item.
Create work item

Create work item

  1. Refresh the page to view the direct link to the work item in VSTS.
PagerDuty incident details

PagerDuty incident details

Create a PagerDuty Incident in VSTS

  1. In VSTS, go to Boards Work items.
  2. Click New Work Item and select Epic, Issue or Task, depending on the context.
  3. Enter a Title for your work item and click Save.
  4. Refresh the page.
  5. In the section PagerDuty Incident, search for or select a service and click Create Incident.
Create PagerDuty incident in VSTS

Create PagerDuty incident in VSTS

Note: If you receive an error message related to the requester’s email address or API key, please validate the information you entered in the final configuration steps.

Add PagerDuty Widgets to a VSTS Dashboard

  1. In VSTS, go to your project select Dashboards click Add a widget or select a dashboard and click Edit.
  2. In the Add Widget pane, search for pagerduty and select PagerDuty Incidents or PagerDuty OnCall.
PagerDuty widgets

PagerDuty widgets

  1. Click Add.
  2. Reorganize the widgets’ layout, if needed, and click Done Editing.