Jeli Opportunities

Evaluate your incident response with Opportunities | Jeli Part of PagerDuty

An opportunity is a structured evaluation process conducted after an incident or crisis to analyze what happened, why, and how to prevent it from happening again. Opportunities are a valuable tool for organizations to learn from mistakes, improve incident response procedures, and enhance overall resilience in the face of future challenges. No matter how big or small an incident is, creating an opportunity has significant long-term benefits for your organization. When related, aggregated, or compared with other Jeli opportunities, incidents can reveal compelling organizational patterns and insights.



Before creating an opportunity in Jeli, please install the Jeli Slack integration.

You can create an opportunity from an incident when the incident reaches the mitigated stage or when the incident is closed. Each opportunity contains a report, notes and events relating to the incident.

View Opportunities

Select Opportunities in the Jeli web app to see a list of opportunities. Click an opportunity’s name to see its detailed overview.

Search Opportunities

Use the search bar above the Opportunity list to search for opportunities by name or summary.

Filter the Opportunity List

You can also add filters to your search, such as who participated in the opportunity and which teams or services were involved. Filtering the Opportunity list can answer questions such as:

  • How frequently was a particular service involved in incidents over the last quarter?
  • Were key members of your front-end engineering team involved in incidents when they weren’t on call?
  • Which opportunities should be analyzed further, based on the size and impact of the event?

You can filter and explore your incident data from the Opportunity list :

  1. In the Jeli web app, select Opportunities from the left menu.
  2. Click + Add filter .
  3. Choose the parameter you’d like to filter on, e.g., Tags or Key role.
  4. Choose the values you’d like to match against.
    • Selecting multiple values will apply the filter using the OR operator.
    • You can bulk select and unselect tags from our filtering options by clicking the checkbox next to the desired tag type.
  5. Click to chain additional filters together using an AND operator.
Opportunity filters

Opportunity filters

Filter by Duration

You can filter by the following duration measurements. These are calculated based on an opportunity’s event markers:
Total opportunity duration: The total time from opportunity start to end.
Diagnosis marker duration: The total time of all Diagnosis markers.
Repair marker duration: The total time of all Repair markers.
Detection marker duration: The total time of all Detection markers.

You can use these measurements to help you ask more detailed questions across your incident data, such as:

  • Which incidents have taken the longest to diagnose, and which services were involved?
  • How has your time spent diagnosing and repairing issues changed over time? Which services are trending up or down?

Share Opportunities

Once you have applied your desired filters, you can share the results by copying the Opportunity page URL. Other users who open the link will see the same filters applied to current opportunities in their view.

For example, below is a pre-set filter you can view in the Jeli web app. If prompted, please log in to your Jeli account first.

Which incidents do not have a primary investigator assigned?

Document Key Takeaways

During the course of an investigation, it is expected for themes to grow and change as you learn more and answer newly surfaced questions. Takeaways provide a place to record themes that surfaced throughout the investigation, distill them as you prepare for the learning review and capture them once they’ve been discussed in the meeting.

  1. In the Jeli web app, navigate to Opportunities and select your desired opportunity.
  2. Select the Takeaways tab and click the text field to begin editing.
  3. When you're finished making updates, click Save.

The Takeaways field supports Markdown, and also supports templates, which can help ensure that information is recorded in a standardized way.


Topics of Interest

Consider the following topics while conducting an investigation:

  • What surprised you?
  • What do you think others should know more about?
  • What qualities does this incident share with other incidents?


Further Reading

Please read Jeli's Howie: The Post-Incident Guide for a more detailed breakdown of incident analysis.

Import Slack Data

Importing Slack channel data into Jeli helps bring more context into your timelines and helps you prepare for your incident reviews. You can import data to create a new opportunity or add the data to an existing opportunity. You can also choose to import the entire channel or only data from a specific time span.

Import a Channel

  1. In your desired Slack channel, enter the command /jeli import.
  2. Choose Create a new opportunity or Add more messages to an opportunity and click Next.
  3. Choose to import all messages or only messages in a specific time period.
  4. If you chose to create a new opportunity, configure the following:
Select an Opportunity OwnerThis will auto-populate with your user. To add additional Opportunity Owners, enter a user's name.
Who can see and edit the Opportunity on import?Select one:
- Everyone in the Jeli App

- Opportunity Owners Only
NameEnter a name for the opportunity.
Describe this Opportunity (optional)Provide a 2-3 sentence summary on what happened, when, and what the outcome was.
  • If you are adding the data to an existing opportunity, select the opportunity from the dropdown.
  1. Click Accept to import the data.
Import Slack data

Import Slack data

Jeli will then create or update the opportunity and import the specified Slack messages. When the import is complete, you will receive a temporary message that only you can see with a link to the opportunity.



If you used the command /jeli close to resolve the incident, it automatically creates a new opportunity in Jeli for that incident and posts a link in the Slack channel.

Import a Slack Message or Thread

You can create a new opportunity or update an existing one from a single Slack message or thread.
Click () to the right of the message and select Import message or thread.
Choose Update an existing opportunity or Create a new opportunity. Enter the relevant information and click Accept to import the data.



If you do not see the Jeli Slack message shortcut to Import message or thread, select More message shortcuts… and search for Jeli. After you have used the shortcut once, it will appear as a suggestion again in the future.

Create a new investigation

Create a new investigation

When the import is completed, you will receive a temporary Slack message that only you can see with a link to the opportunity.

You will see the imported message or thread appear in Narrative Builder as another channel.

Add More Event Data to an Imported Channel

To import new messages, edits, reactions, and attachments generated after a previous channel import use the /jeli import command again, and select Add more messages to an Opportunity.



If you initially imported a selected timeframe, and choose to import the entire channel later, the Jeli Slackbot will pull in everything else that occurred in the channel before and after that timeframe.

Opportunity Access Roles

In Jeli, you have the ability to control who can view, edit, delete and manage access for every opportunity. You can assign this access in Slack before any data is imported into Jeli, and then manage it through the web app after import.

The following roles are available for individuals, or as a default level of access for an opportunity:

No AccessViewerEditorOwner
View opportunity
Edit opportunity
Delete opportunity
Edit access roles for opportunity
  • Users that have No Access to an opportunity will not see the opportunity in the Jeli app homepage or in the Learning Center.
  • You can assign multiple users the Owner role. Every opportunity in Jeli must have at least one Opportunity Owner.
  • Owners can change their own role, however, the user must grant another user ownership before changing their own access level.


Admin Access

Admins for your organization automatically inherit Opportunity Owner level access to every opportunity in Jeli. You can see your list of admins for your organization here within your settings page.

Manage Access Roles

Configure Access in Slack

When closing a Jeli incident with the /jeli close command, or creating a new opportunity via /jeli import, Jeli will prompt you to specify an Opportunity Owner, and a default level of access.

Configure Access in the Jeli Web App


Required User Permissions

  • Account admins or Opportunity Owners can manage an opportunity's access roles in the web app.

You can manually set roles for existing opportunities in the web app. You can add or remove roles for specific users, as well as set the default access role for all other users.

To view an opportunity's current access roles:

  1. Navigate to your desired opportunity.
  2. Select Access from the left-hand sidebar.

This page shows the list of users granted specific roles for the opportunity. Below this list of users, you can see the default access role given to all remaining users. To change this, select the current role dropdown and choose the desired role.

Opportunity Access Assignment Dropdown

Default access role assignment

To assign a user a specific access role:

  1. Search for the user you would like to add by entering their name in the search box. You can enter multiple users to give them the same role.
  2. Select the desired role for the user(s) from the dropdown.
  3. Click Add to add the user(s) to the opportunity.

To edit or remove a user's access role:

  1. Select the dropdown next to the desired user. Choose the new role or Remove Access to remove the user's current role.

Private Opportunities

When closing a private incident and creating an opportunity for it, only the users who were members of the private channel can be added as Opportunity Owners. After creating the opportunity, an Opportunity Owner can give access to additional users via the web app.